In today’s live class, Teacher Robin is going to give us some useful vocabulary for understanding the news, especially related to COVID-19. You can participate by writing in the comments. Enjoy!
Fill in the blank with the correct vocabulary word from the video. ⇩
In my country the newspapers inform in the headlines that we are starting release the lockdown step by step.
It will be a slow process.
Hi I live in Italy , Sardinia, and we are going out of the lockdown after pratically three months of “ clausura”. Two weeks ago we started to go out for a longer walk than before ( we were allowed to stay at no more than two hundred metres from our house during the lockdown) to visit our parents and little more but from today all activities are again open like restaurants bars hairdressers shops and so on and we can go again at the beach and we need it because here the weather is really hot. Pratically we are… Read more »
Hi Gabriella, thanks so much for sharing this with us. 🙂
Hello Robin!
The lockdown has been canceled in my city, so the people need continue with their prevention.
We have to all stay safe.
Hi teacher Robin
In m’y country thé lockdown will finish on tree weeks.
People continu to stay at home. They go out only for some spécifiques situation. Everybady must Wear a facial Mask and keep a distance of 1 m at least in presence of other people.
Till now thé prevention is thé only solution to face this pandemic situation.
Staying safe at home IS better then to be infected.
Thank you
Thanks for sharing your comment. 🙂
Hi teacher Robin, I’m following your courses and I’m happy with this, I think you are very good in your work!But I ‘m a little worried about you, I mean you live in Barcelona for work and you are alone, your family live in Texas…how do you fell?what about your family, are they healthy?are you worried about they?Excuse me for that questions, I hope I wrote correctly and obviously if you repute are private questions don’t answer me !I hope you are all right!Thank you for your work and have a nice day!
Thank you so much for your concern. My family is well and I keep in close contact with them. I hope you’re keeping safe and looking forward to the day when things go back to normal. Robin.