In today’s live class, Teacher Robin is recommending a book, a movie and a song about New York City. You can participate by writing in the comments. Enjoy!
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Pronunciation - American
In today’s live class, Teacher Robin is recommending a book, a movie and a song about New York City. You can participate by writing in the comments. Enjoy!
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I went on vacation to Fortaleza, in Brazil two years ago. I’m planning to go on vacation to Chile next year. My favorite book is .I went on vacation to Saudi Arabia seven years ago. I’m planning to go on vacation to New York next year. My favorite book is ‏The little Prince- Saint-Exupéry and I don’t know what is my favorite song because I like many!
Hi Paula, thanks for sharing your experiences with us 🙂
Last year I went to Orlando and Tampa in the US, my favorite place for vacation is Mediterranean Sea., I thing I’ll go in Greece next summer. My favorite book is Inventing Peace: a Dialogue on Perception by Wim Wenders and Mary Zournazi. Finally I have a favorite Italian songwriter, He’s name is Fabrizio De André. I love all his songs.
Thank you for sharing this with us, Domenico.
Hello Guido!
My family and me went to city Baños, last vacation before quarantine. In here we felt very well. My favorite movie is “God exist I II III” in here tell true stories that happen in real life. I’m sorry I don’t read any book, I have practicing the read a book. I listen the song “My way” and “ Somewhere over rainbow”. I like your recommendations. Bye and see you soon. You’re the best Robin 🤗
Thank you for sharing this with us, William.
Hello teacher, Normally I spend time watching videos or movies in English with subtitles and I like listening podcasts about different topics although I rather listen about climate change or care of planet. I’m trying to find book in English but I don’t know which is a great book to read. Thank you for your tips Robin you are the best.
Hi Richard, thank you for telling us how you spend your time learning English.