The Business Essentials Program has been created by specialized teachers to help Intermediate and Advanced levels to develop their business communication skills.
This course will be in your interest if:
You are planning to look for a new job and need to strengthen your business English knowledge and skills.
You are in a position of medium or high responsibility or you want to grow professionally to get a promotion, and you need a boost to improve your business English.
Your goal is to move abroad, and you urgently need to refresh your business English.
You feel that you are not advancing in your profession and you need to boost your level fast.

Start the program
Hi! I’m a bit scared becouse I just finished the exam with 19 correct answers but recently read that on each unit should be a botton with the word “Done” for complete the unit, and that botton never appeared to me in any unit of this Business Program. Did I did something wrong?
Hi Constanza, thanks for participating in the program! Don’t worry because you are on the list of students who approved the assessment so your certificate will be sent between today and tomorrow. Let us know if you have any issue.
Hi, could you tell me how long the exam will be avaible to do?
I took the assessment yesterday already, how many days i have to wait for the certificate.
Is there a chance to repeat this session?
how many days i have to wait for the certificate.?